County Line BMX in Colorodo, USA has updated their tracks schedule for the 2012 season!! Has your local track updated …Read the Rest
Transfer Completed
Well we have completed the transfer between our old server and our new one. We have to the best of …Read the Rest
On the Move!!
Please be advised that we will be moving and reinstalling BMX to a new server to better serve you …Read the Rest
BMX Events
All BMX Race Events and BMX Freestyle Events now posted here on BMX will now have their own page …Read the Rest
Now on
We are now on, click on the link below to go to our Facebook page and like us!! …Read the Rest
The Netherlands
We now have out first BMX Track Directory listing for the Netherlands. FCC De Kombocht in Bussum, Noord Holland is …Read the Rest
Check out the events page
Check out our events page for upcoming events such as the 1st Annual PRO/AM going on at The Kitchen. The …Read the Rest
New bike shop added
KSTF BMX has been added to the BMX Bike Shop Directory. They are an on-line only bike shop that deals …Read the Rest
Another track has been added to the Australia Track Directory. Welcome to the BMX Track Directory goes out to Atherton …Read the Rest
2011 CJBMX Ironman Race & 2012 Hyper Preview
I attended the 2011 Ironman race at CJBMX in Howell, New Jersey on Dec. 4th, 2011 and had a great time racing. …Read the Rest