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    Is this a riding Trailor a Skateparkor an Indoor Riding Facility
    Please only list Skateparks or Indoor Facilities that allow BMX Bikes.

    Trail, Skatepark, or Indoor Name: *
    Trail, Skatepark, or Indoor Phone Number:
    Trail, Skatepark, or Indoor Street Address: *
    If a trail, try to enter an address close to the entrance of the trails.
    City: *
    State or Province: *
    Country: *
    Zip or Postal Code:

    Skatepark or Indoor Facility Web Site:
    Skatepark or Indoor Facility E-mail Address:

    Contact Name:
    Contact Phone Number:
    Contact E-mail Address:

    If this is a place that has hours of operation, please enter them.

    Special Comments

    You can also upload any photos, videos, schedules, or flyers that you would like us to add to the track's page.

    Photos (Acceptable: .gif; .jpg; .jpeg)

    Videos (Sorry we are having problems with video uploads at this time)

    Schedules (Acceptable: .pdf; .doc)

    Other or Extra (Acceptable: .jpg; .jpeg; .gif; .pdf; .doc) video link:

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    Your E-mail Address: *

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    Remember that all items marked with a * are required items.


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