Lethbridge BMX
Box 503
Lethbridge, Alberta
Canada, T1J 3Z1
Track Phone Number: 1-403-320-0452
Track Web Site: www.lethbridgebmx.com
Track E-mail Address: info@lethbridgebmx.com
Sanctioning: CCA (Canadian Cycling Association) / UCI (Union Cycliste Internationale)
Contact Name |
Contact Phone Number |
Contact E-mail Address |
Darren Williams | 1-403-320-0452 | dwbmxer@gmail.com |
We are located Northwest of the Dave Elton Ball Complex and North of the Chinese Cemetery. If you turn west on 6th Ave. North from Stafford Drive North and turn North just before the cemetery you have found us.
Open track
Saturday: May – September 10:00am-1:00pm
Sunday: May – September 10:00am-1:00pm
Thursday: July – September 6:30pm-8:00pm
Wednesday: May – September 6:30pm-8:00pm
May – June
Tuesday: Registration 6:00pm; Racing at 7:00pm
Thursday: Registration 6:00pm; Racing at 7:00pm
July – September
Tuesday: Registration 6:00pm; Racing at 7:00pm
This BMX Track Directory Page was last updated on: 2013-03-07
So we can come out on May 5th between 10 and 1 and try the bmx racing and register for the membership and racing on the same day? What day or days does the racing or practices take place?
May 5th will be registration and open track only (if it’s ready for riding). Racing will likely begin Tuesday May 15th